“Imbuing the emotion and aesthetic of the classic North American road trip, Rachel captures the taillights of a car fading into the distance in Lone Pine, California, seemingly the only other human life for miles around. The road slopes downwards towards the mountains rising dramatically in the distance, lit in stunning pink sunrise tones. It’s a majestic scene which would look remarkable printed large-scale, and which stirs a sense of freedom and adventure in the viewer.” – LIFE FRAMER

“You could easily argue that the technicalities of this image are all wrong – the subject and slice of a wooden fence are caught awkwardly in the composition, never mind out of focus, and the horizon line sits neither centrally nor obeying the rule of thirds. And yet it works wonderfully. This rule-breaking acts to create an urgency and immersion to the scene – we feel the adrenaline and carefree-glee as Rachel’s subject races towards the impossibly bright field and sky, her not far behind. It has a momentum, an infectiousness that is hard to resist.” – LIFE FRAMER

About me

Photographer based in Providence, Rhode Island shooting with 35mm and 120mm films. 

"There's an art to life's distractions." 


I'm available for local projects as well as potential employment opportunities.

Use the form to inquire about rates and availability, or just to say hi.






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